McDermott Racing
Formally Trinity Racing Inc.
Over 40 Years Experience

Harry Mc Dermott Started Trinity Racing in 1978
Beginning with $3000 dollar investment in 1978, Harry McDermott surrounded himself with a team of experts and over 35 years later, Trinity Racing accounted for over 3.5 million dollars annually. With sales, repairs, custom aftermarket accessories and complete engine performance rebuilds, Trinity Racing, now McDermott Racing serves nations all over the world. The international business trade of McDermott Racing reaches into the Middle East, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and all over Europe.
Harry McDermott is no stranger to the off-road racing world. With many races and experiences under his belt, Harry has raced the SCORE-International Race Series in Baja, Mexico for many years. He said when interviewed; “winning the Baja 500 was the coolest thing ever, both my sons and my mother were there at that race waiting at the finish line when I came across, how cool is that”. As the industry pinnacled into off-shoots of other dirt racing endeavors, Harry and his crew followed and led the industry in the recreational sand drag scene and also in the national Track Racing scene. Harry McDermott Built race engines and components for some of the top names in the industry, Kory Ellis, Mark Ehehardt, Joe Bird, Jeremy Schell, Jeff Seegott to mention a few, all with multi championships.
Building drag racing engines became one of his passions and still is. He started porting in 1981 with the interduction of the 250r and has done it ever since. During the early years of drag racing Trinity built not only the engines for the race bikes but the chasses themselves. The race chasses Trinity built where used all around the country and set every record that was set back then. Trinity held almost every title known to the racing industry and they used the 250r air cooled ATC engine to do so.
His wisdom and guidance shines as the leader in the Industry. Harry McDermott has truly dedicated his expertise to the betterment of the off-roading community.
Harry has been racing quads in the sport since the early days of the scary 3 wheeler. With years of actual field experience Harry and his new company Mc Dermott Racing is providing the industry with the highest technology racing parts for your ATV/UTV. They are continually re-designed, tested, documented, proven to perform as advertised, and built to last.
Now as a new chapter opens Harry is excited to get back to his roots and do more of the things he loves, Building race engines and parts, for the industry he has been a part of for over 3 decades.